High Quality Free 3D
Assets for Everyone!

Discover a collection of High Quality 3D Assets licensed under CC0 license, meaning you can use them for any purpose personal or commercial completely for free!

Newest Assets

Discover a collection of newly created assets.

100% Free

We're proud to say that all of our assets are released under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means that our assets are completely free to use for personal and even commercial projects, all without any limitations. We believe in the power of creativity and collaboration, and we hope that our gift to the community will help inspire and empower artists all around the world.

Support Us

Our effort is currently self-funded, ensuring that the website keeps running smoothly and that it's updated with fresh assets for our community. Your contribution, whether financial or by spreading the word about our project, is greatly appreciated and would mean a lot to us.

With your help, we can continue to improve and grow, and offer even more high-quality assets and other features in the future. If you want to help us keep the project up and running, you can do so by supporting us on Patreon, by buying us a Coffee or by donating directly via PayPal.
Thank you for being a part of this amazing community.